Agenda for the Next Session in the 9/11 Case

Wells Bennett
Thursday, January 10, 2013, 2:09 PM
Fresh from the Guantanamo security scrub: an amended docketing order for the upcoming hearing, late this month, in United States v. Mohammed et. al.  Judge James Pohl has set forth 23 motions for argument:
a. AE 018: Government Motion for Privileged Written Communications Order/AE 049: Government's Renewed Motion for Privileged Written Communication. b.

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Fresh from the Guantanamo security scrub: an amended docketing order for the upcoming hearing, late this month, in United States v. Mohammed et. al.  Judge James Pohl has set forth 23 motions for argument:
a. AE 018: Government Motion for Privileged Written Communications Order/AE 049: Government's Renewed Motion for Privileged Written Communication. b. AE 032: Joint Defense Motion for Appropriate Relief to Protect Right to Counsel by Barring Invasion of Privileged Attorney-Client Communications. c. AE 020: Defense Motion for an Indefinite Delay in Submission of Responses to Government Motions, Replies to Government Responses to Defense Motions and Other Requests. d. AE 013R: Defense Motion to Reconsider Definition of "Unauthorized Disclosure" in AEO 13P Protective Order #1. e. AE 013S: Defense Motion to Reconsider Need-to-Know Provision in Protective Order # 1. f. AE 013T: Defense Motion to Amend Protective Order #1 Memorandum of Understanding and Related Language. g. AE 80: Joint Defense Motion to Preserve Evidence of Any Exist ing Detention Facility. h. AE 108: Defense Motion for Appropriate Relief to Compel Defense Examination of Accused's Conditions of Confinement (Classified) . i. AE 084: Joint Defense Motion to Prohibit Force-Feeding Procedure Pending Determination by the Commission That Procedure is Necessary. j. AE 085: Joint Defense Motion to Compel the Production of Standard Operating Procedure on Force-Feeding. k. AE 112: Defense Motion to Compel Discovery Related to White House and DOJ Consideration of the CIA Rendition, Detention and Interrogation Program. l. AE 055: Joint Defense Motion to Release Redacted Versions of Classified Pleadings. m. AE 029: Defense Motion to Compel Witnesses for Defense Motion AE-008. n. AE 040: Walid bin Attash's Motion to Compel the Production of Witnesses to Testify at the Hearing on AE008B. o. AE 045: Defense Motion to Depose RDML Woods in Relation to Defense Motions AE 008 and AE 032. p. AE 048: Defense Motion to Compel Witnesses in Support of Joint Defense Motion to Dismiss due to Defective Referral (AE-008). q. AE 071: Defense Motion to Compel Discovery in Support of Defense Motion to Dismiss due to Defective Referral AE008. r. AE 046: Defense Motion to Compel Witnesses in Support of AE031 - Joint Defense Motion to Dismiss for Unlawful Influence. s. AE 050: Mr. al Baluchi 's Motion to Compel the production Larry Fox, and Robin Maher To Testify at Motion Hearing. t. AE 047: Joint Defense Motion to Compel Discovery in Support of Defense Motion to Dismiss Due to Unlawful Influence AE031. u. AE 061: Defense Motion to Compel Production of Witness in re AE03 1. v. AE 065: Defense Motion to Compel Production of Witness in re AE03 1. w. AE 093: Mr. al Baluchi's (Ali Abdul Aziz Ali) Motion to Request One-Time Audiovisual Communication through the ICRC with Mr. al Baluchi 's Family.

Wells C. Bennett was Managing Editor of Lawfare and a Fellow in National Security Law at the Brookings Institution. Before coming to Brookings, he was an Associate at Arnold & Porter LLP.

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