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Last month the Hoover Institution published my paper entitled "Chinese Cyber Diplomacy in a New Era of Uncertainty" as part of its Aegis Paper Series. I argue that after initially taking a relatively defensive, reactive position on the global governance of cyberspace, China under President Xi Jinping has adopted a more activist cyber diplomacy. This foreign policy has three primary goals: limit the threat that the internet and the flow of information may pose to domestic stability and regime legitimacy; shape cyberspace to extend Beijing’s political, military, and economic influence; and counter US advantages in cyberspace and increase China’s room of maneuver. Measured against its objectives, China’s diplomacy would appear relatively successful. The greatest uncertainty for Beijing moving forward is the state of US-China relations.

Chinese Cyber Diplomacy in a New Era of Uncertainty by Hoover Institution on Scribd

Adam Segal is the Ira A Lipman chair in Emerging Technology and National Security and Director of the Digital and Cyberspace Policy Program at the Council on Foreign Relations

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