Cybersecurity Legislation -- Big Issues at the 10,000 Foot Level
Soon, Senator Harry Reid promises to bring a comprehensive cybersecurity bill before the Senate for consideration. The base draft bill to be considered remains shrouded in secrecy, the subject of urgent, on-going, behind the scenes negotiations. The general intent appears to be the crafting of a single bill that combines aspects of the two major competing Senate bills – the “Rockefeller-Snowe” bill (a product of the Senate Commerce committee) and the
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Soon, Senator Harry Reid promises to bring a comprehensive cybersecurity bill before the Senate for consideration. The base draft bill to be considered remains shrouded in secrecy, the subject of urgent, on-going, behind the scenes negotiations. The general intent appears to be the crafting of a single bill that combines aspects of the two major competing Senate bills – the “Rockefeller-Snowe” bill (a product of the Senate Commerce committee) and the “Lieberman-Collins” bill (passed out of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs committee). How much of each bill will be incorporated in the base bill is unknown. So too is the question of whether the base bill will give any deference to the Obama Administration’s legislative proposal (released last May) and whether other bills (Gillibrand-Hatch on cybercrime reporting or Rogers-Ruppersburger from the House on information sharing) will be included in whole or in part. About the only certain thing is that the question of cybersecurity is likely to set a new world record for competing bills with bipartisan co-sponsors. Everyone agrees the problem is important – they just don’t agree at all on what to do about it.
That having been said, the broad outlines of issues that will be discussed as the cybersecurity bill is considered are starting to become clear (though, in the end, some may not make it into the final product). In this post, I want to highlight three areas where we are likely to see significant legislative activity. It may be that these issues are NOT in the base bill (which, by all reports, maybe be a lowest common denominator sort of effort with all the controversy drained out of it).
I plan to follow this up in other posts to examine some issues in more lawyerly depth over the next few days and, of course, to post some thoughts on the cybersecurity bill when it becomes public. For now, however, just some scene-setting highlights.
Information Sharing
One of the principal areas of complaint about the existing legal structures is the perception that a confluence of statutes and rules prevent the private sector and the federal government from sharing information with each other. The view from the private sector is that a host of privacy, telecommunications, and antitrust rules prevent them from sharing information about threats and vulnerabilities with the government and among themselves. The view from government is that there are challenges in sharing classified threat signature information with the private sector without compromising sources and methods. And the view from the privacy and civil liberties NGOs is that authorizing the sharing of information (particularly information that personally identifies an individual) for cybersecurity purposes risks eroding privacy and freedom.
Because of the challenges of squaring these competing demands, it appears that information sharing will be dealt with by way of amendment rather than as part of the base bill. In that context there are likely to be three significant issues where diverging views will need to be reconciled:
- Sharing With Whom and on What Terms? The Obama Administration proposal significantly expands and extends the scope of information that can be shared by the private sector with the Federal government. It then puts the government in the central position of, in turn, pushing that information out to other private sector actors, in effect serving and an information hub. The Administration has affirmatively rejected the idea of enabling private-to-private information sharing – something that many in the private sector think would be more efficient and effective. The House Rodger-Ruppersburger bill, on the other hand, makes private-to-private sharing a centerpiece of its efforts and makes sharing with the Federal government voluntary. So the issue here is mandatory-and-centralized versus voluntary-and-decentralized.
- To What Effect? Another issue that is likely to be considered is whether the game is worth the candle. A recent DoD audit of the first pilot program found mixed results – the operators were reasonably capable of following the sharing rules, but the program provided no more than a 5% improvement in actual performance in thwarting cyber intrusions.
- Liability Protection? No private sector actor is going to share information if doing so would potentially subject it to liability. Both the Obama proposal and the two leading Senate proposals provide protection against liability by preempting inconsistent State or Federal law. Those who fear the expansion of information sharing and who are concerned with the misuse by government of personal information oppose these protections, though it seems to me they are essential to the project if it is to succeed.
Paul Rosenzweig is the founder of Red Branch Consulting PLLC, a homeland security consulting company and a Senior Advisor to The Chertoff Group. Mr. Rosenzweig formerly served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy in the Department of Homeland Security. He is a Professorial Lecturer in Law at George Washington University, a Senior Fellow in the Tech, Law & Security program at American University, and a Board Member of the Journal of National Security Law and Policy.