Lawfare's Birthday Funding Drive
Today is Lawfare's sixth birthday.
The years since we launched this site have been a wild ride. Lawfare continues to grow in readership and in the diversity, scope, and volume of its content offerings. What began as a small blog of three friends and colleagues has evolved into a full-featured digital magazine. Lawfare's success is in no small part a function of its thoughtful and engaged readership. Thank you to all our readers for helping to make Lawfare what it is.

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With
Today is Lawfare's sixth birthday.
The years since we launched this site have been a wild ride. Lawfare continues to grow in readership and in the diversity, scope, and volume of its content offerings. What began as a small blog of three friends and colleagues has evolved into a full-featured digital magazine. Lawfare's success is in no small part a function of its thoughtful and engaged readership. Thank you to all our readers for helping to make Lawfare what it is.
Now, we need your help not only in supporting what Lawfare has become, but also what it is growing into. So today, we are starting a major fundraising drive.
IT'S OUR SIXTH BIRTHDAY! Support Lawfare so we can continue bringing you articles like this one. |
For the next several days, we'll be reminding you on social media and on the site to make a contribution to Lawfare if you are one of the many people who use this site regularly and depend on it for professional purposes, academic research, or just as intellectual stimulation.
Many people think that Lawfare is well funded. It's a professional-looking site, after all. It has a large volume of high-quality content from top thinkers and practitioners and it's published in cooperation with the world's largest think tank. The reality is that Lawfare is a tiny non-profit with a very small staff and significant costs. It runs on a shoe-string budget. And right now, its ability to grow further is contingent on its ability to pay for that growth.
We are proud of Lawfare's ability to consistently punch above its weight, but please don't confuse that with our being limitlessly—or even sufficiently—funded. That's just not the case. In order to continue providing and expanding the services we offer, we need stable, long-term funding for existing staff, and we need to grow the staff too. The enagagement of our readers has been an integral part of the intellectual development of Lawfare and moving forward we hope it will be a big piece of our long-term funding picture.
We are committed to keeping Lawfare an open and free resource, and therefore will never charge a subscription fee. But when you see that "Donate" button this week and next week, please take a moment to think about how you use this site and what it means for your work and your contemplation of national security law and policy. Think of the subscription price you would willingly pay and consider making that a sustaining monthly contribution, as some of our readers already do.
And then, if you'll be so kind, click the button and give Lawfare a birthday present.