Today's Headlines and Commentary

Mikhaila Fogel
Thursday, July 12, 2018, 4:55 PM

President Trump departed the NATO summit Thursday amid further reports of contention and disagreement with NATO allies, reports the Washington Post.

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President Trump departed the NATO summit Thursday amid further reports of contention and disagreement with NATO allies, reports the Washington Post. Despite reports that the president threatened to “do his own thing” in January if NATO allies did not meet the two percent of GDP military-spending commitment, which they had previously agreed to do by 2025, President Trump left the summit telling reporters that “NATO is much stronger than it was two days ago.”

Former FBI counterespionage chief Peter Stzrok appeared in front of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees for an extremely heated hearing on his role in the Russia investigation, reports the New York Times. Strzok was removed from the Russia investigation last year by Special Counsel Robert Mueller when politically charged text messages with another FBI employee, Lisa Page, were found on Strzok’s phone. Stzrok has since faced accusations of bias from congressional Republicans and repeated criticism from President Trump on Twitter.

President Trump arrived in the U.K. Thursday to meet with Prime Minister Theresa May and Queen Elizabeth II, says the BBC. The visit is expected to draw large-scale protests in the U.K.; it comes as May’s government publishes its plan for relations with the EU post-Brexit and faces high-profile Cabinet resignations.

On Thursday, North Korean officials did not show up for a a discussion with U.S. officials about repatriating the remains of fallen U.S. troops from the Korean War, states the Post. The plan to repatriate the remains was announced after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit to North Korea last Friday and Saturday.

Syrian government vehicles, accompanied by members of the Russian military, entered part of southern city of Daraa on Thursday to raise a Syrian national flag over the city, says Reuters. This is a significant victory of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, as Daraa is considered by many to be the birthday of the revolt that sparked the seven-year civil war.

The Israeli military said on Thursday that it had struck three Syrian military positions after a Syrian drone entered Israeli airspace on Wednesday, reports the Associated Press. Syrian state media is also reporting that Israeli jets inflicted material damage on military positions in Quneitera province, which borders the Golan Heights. These reports come as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets in Moscow with Vladimir Putin to discuss Syrian and Iran.

ICYMI: Yesterday on Lawfare

Bobby Chesney and Steve Vladeck posted this week’s edition of the National Security Law Podcast.

Jen Patja Howell posted this week’s episode of Rational Security, the “With Enemies Like These, Who Needs Friends?” edition.

Matthew Waxman gave a historical perspective on the creation of NATO and the problem of burden-sharing.

Evelyn Douek analyzed a new Australian law aimed at countering foreign influence in politics and elections.

Paul Rosenzweig flagged two documents that attempt to answer whether the U.K. could rescind its withdrawal from the EU.

Andrew Grotto and Christos Makridis offered potential legislative solutions to increase data protection.

Todd Tucker examines the latest lawsuit challenge the Trump administration’s Section 232 tariffs.

David Stanton and Wenqing Zhao summed up recent China-U.S. technology law and policy news in this week’s SinoTech.

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Mikhaila Fogel was an associate editor at Lawfare and a research analyst at the Brookings Institution. She previously worked as a legislative correspondent for national security and foreign affairs issues in the Office of Sen. Susan Collins. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Harvard College, where she majored in history and literature and minored in government and Arabic.

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