Wittes v. O'Connell on Targeted Killing and Drones

Benjamin Wittes
Monday, October 25, 2010, 8:41 AM

Here is the video of my debate with Mary Ellen O'Connell of Notre Dame law school on targeted killings and drone warfare on Saturday at International Law Weekend in New York. I will have a lot to say over the coming days about this debate, which was contentious and I think very illuminating. For now, however, let me simply say that all Lawfare readers who have been interested in the discussions on this blog of the Al Aulaqi case will find the debate both instructive and, I hope, entertaining.

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Here is the video of my debate with Mary Ellen O'Connell of Notre Dame law school on targeted killings and drone warfare on Saturday at International Law Weekend in New York. I will have a lot to say over the coming days about this debate, which was contentious and I think very illuminating. For now, however, let me simply say that all Lawfare readers who have been interested in the discussions on this blog of the Al Aulaqi case will find the debate both instructive and, I hope, entertaining. I'd like to thank Mary Ellen for the lively exchange and Vincent Vitkowsky of the law firm of Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge for inviting us to participate and for moderating the session. The sound quality isn't great, for which I apologize. The video is divided into six parts.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Part V

Part VI

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.

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