Today's Headlines and Commentary

Raffaela Wakeman
Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 3:00 PM
Interpol has arrested 25 suspected members of Anonymous, reports the AP. Evan Perez and Julian E.

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Interpol has arrested 25 suspected members of Anonymous, reports the AP. Evan Perez and Julian E. Barnes at the Wall Street Journal (caution: paywall) report on the DOJ's release of the Policy Directive and Fact Sheet, as do Sari Horwitz and Peter Finn at the Washington Post and Jeremy Herb at Defcon Hill. You can read Ben's download on the subject here. Jane Sutton at Reuters says that Khan is "likely to serve far less" than the 25-40 year sentence. Whether or not that is not the case depends on whether up-to-19 years can reasonably be considered "far less" than 25--and whether Khan ends up cooperating fully (and thus serves up-to-19 more years) or not (and thus serves as-many-as 25 more years). Ben's account of the sentencing math is here. Looks like Mohammed Ibrahim Makkawi, wanted in connection with the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya, was arrested in Cairo today. NPR and the AP report. Winslow Wheeler is hard at work at Time's Battleland blog discussing the MQ-9 Reaper, a new drone. Doug Bandow of Cato has this piece on the constitutionality of targeted killing. The AP confirms that a new recreation yard is almost complete at Guantanamo; it reportedly cost $744,000. Also on the story is Carol Rosenberg at the Miami Herald and Peter Finn at the Post. The San Francisco Chronicle reports on Senator Feinstein's Due Process Guarantee Act, the subject of a hearing today in the Senate Judiciary Committee (at which our own Steve Vladeck is testifying). Meanwhile, Rep. Chris Gibson has introduced a bill to amend the NDAA as well, adding to both §1021 and §1022 the following:
Preservation of Constitutional Rights- Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the writ of habeas corpus shall remain available to any individual detained within the United States and no American citizen or lawful resident may be detained without all the rights of due process to include, but not limited to-- (1) the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury; (2) the right to be informed of the nature of the accusation; (3) the right to be confronted with the witnesses against them; (4) the right to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in their favor (5) the right to have the assistance of legal counsel; and (6) all other rights afforded to them by the Constitution of the United States.
Brendan Sasso sums up yesterday's House Energy and Commerce subcommittee hearing on smart grid projects at The Hill. Jose Pimental, who has been charged in connection with a plot to use a pipe bomb in New York City, is expected to be indicted this week in New York, reports the Albany Times Union. The International Herald Tribune discusses the extradition and impending trial of Christopher Tappin, a retired British businessman accused of planning to sell batteries for Hawk missiles to Iran. The Wall Street Journal's Market Watch shares a defense tech company's press release outlining its plan to develop a "Seek and Avoid System" for its nextgen drones. Julia Angwin at the Journal notes the remarks of Andrew Weissmann, General Counsel for the FBI, on the "sea change" in the use of GPS tracking devices  since the Supreme Court ruling in U.S. v. Jones. The Washington Post editorializes on U.S. strategy in Afghanistan in the wake of protests over the U.S. military's burning of Korans. There are three investigations into the incident, one American, one Afghan, and a joint inquiry write Alissa Rubin and Graham Bowley in the Times. The remains of some 9/11 victims were disposed of in a landfill, according to a report released to the Pentagon yesterday. There are no words. For more interesting law and security-related articles, follow us on Twitter, visit the Georgetown Center on National Security and the Law’s Security Law Brief, Fordham Law’s Center on National Security’s Morning Brief, and Fordham Law’s new Cyber Brief. Email us noteworthy articles we may have missed at and

Raffaela Wakeman is a Senior Director at In-Q-Tel. She started her career at the Brookings Institution, where she spent five years conducting research on national security, election reform, and Congress. During this time she was also the Associate Editor of Lawfare. From there, Raffaela practiced law at the U.S. Department of Defense for four years, advising her clients on privacy and surveillance law, cybersecurity, and foreign liaison relationships. She departed DoD in 2019 to join the Majority Staff of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, where she oversaw the Intelligence Community’s science and technology portfolios, cybersecurity, and surveillance activities. She left HPSCI in May 2021 to join IQT. Raffaela received her BS and MS in Political Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2009 and her law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 2015, where she was recognized for her commitment to public service with the Joyce Chiang Memorial Award. While at the Department of Defense, she was the inaugural recipient of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s General Counsel Award for exhibiting the highest standards of leadership, professional conduct, and integrity.

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