Lawfare News

The Week That Will Be

Jordan Brunner
Monday, March 20, 2017, 2:03 PM

Event Announcements (More details on the Events Calendar)

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

Event Announcements (More details on the Events Calendar)

Tuesday, March 21st at 8:30am: The Atlantic Council will convene a meeting on Capitol Hill to discuss Crimea: Reflecting On Three Years of Russia Occupation, featuring keynote addresses by Rep. Steve Chabot and Rep. Gerry Connolly. A panel including Ambassador Steven Pifer of the Brookings Institution and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Michael Carpenter will discuss afterwards. Melinda Haring will moderate. Register here.

Tuesday, March 21st at 10am: Lawfare and the Brookings Institution will host Representative Adam Schiff for an address on The Role of Congress in Protecting Liberal Democracy. Following the address, Benjamin Wittes and Susan Hennessey will engage in discussion with Representative Schiff. RSVP for the event here.

Tuesday, March 21st at 1:30pm: The Center for Strategic and International Studies will host a panel discussion on Australia And Indonesia: Energy, Resources, And Security At The Fulcrum Of The Indo-Pacific. Andrew Shearer will moderate. Register here, or watch the livestream here.

Tuesday, March 21st at 2pm: The House Foreign Affairs Committee will hold a hearing on Pressuring North Korea: Evaluating Options. More information is available here.

Wednesday, March 22nd at 12pm: Former CIA analyst John Nixon will present his news book on The Interrogation Of Saddam Hussein And U.S. Policy In Iraq at The Brookings Institution. Register here.

Wednesday, March 22nd at 1pm: The Brookings Institution will host leading experts for a two-day session on U.S.-Asia Relations In The New Administration. Register here, and more information is available here.

Thursday, March 23rd at 1pm: The Elliott School of International Affairs will feature a presentation by Robert Sutter on Russia-China Relations: Recent Trajectory, Implications, And Outlook. More information is available here.

Calls for Papers

Call for Papers for the 2017 Lieber Society Richard R. Baxter Military Writing Prize

Since 2007, the Lieber Society on the Law of Armed Conflict, an interest group of the American Society of International Law, has annually recognized a paper that significantly enhances the understanding and implementation of the law of war has. The Richard R. Baxter Military Prize is awarded for exceptional writing in English by an active member of the regular or reserve armed forces, regardless of nationality. The Prize. The winner will receive a certificate confirming that he or she has won the 2017 Lieber Society Richard R. Baxter Military Prize and a one-year membership in the American Society of International Law (ASIL). The judges may also select additional persons to receive Lieber Society Richard R. Baxter Military Prize Certificates of Merit.

Request for Assistance. Any person receiving this Call for Papers who is aware of exceptional writing that meets the qualifications of this competition is requested to nominate the paper directly to the Lieber Society and forward this Call to the author of that paper.

Definition of the Law of War. For this competition, the Law of War is that part of international law that regulates the conduct of armed hostilities. Papers may address any aspect of the law of war, including, but not limited to the use of force in international law; the conduct of hostilities during international and non-international armed conflicts; protected persons and protected objects; the law of weapons; rules of engagement; treatment of detainees, to include interrogation procedures; and occupation law. Papers addressing practical problems confronting members of armed forces are preferred.

Qualifications for entering the competition. Persons submitting papers do not have to be ASIL members. They may be citizens of any nation, but they must be an active member of a nation’s regular or reserve armed forces.

Papers that may be entered. Papers submitted in this competition must be in English (or translated into English if written in another language). Paper length may not exceed 35 pages if written with single line spacing or 70 pages if written with double line spacing, including footnotes. Paper size must be either 8.5 x 11 or A4, with all margins at least one inch and at least 12 point font. Both papers that have been published and papers that have not been published will be considered for the Baxter Prize.

Required Contact Data. All submissions must contain the following data on the author of the paper: full name and military rank or rating, current postal and e-mail addresses, and current telephone number. If a person other than the author is making the submission, it must also contain the above data for the person submitting the paper.

Deadline for submitting papers. Papers for the 2017 competition must be received no later than Friday, March 17th, 2017.

Use of email to submit papers. Electronic submissions in Adobe format (.pdf) or Microsoft Word (.doc) are preferred. They should be sent to Lieber Military Prize Coordinator Chris Jenks at

Use of the postal system to submit papers. Submissions by postal mail should be sent to: Chris Jenks, SMU Dedman School of Law, PO Box 750116, Dallas Texas 75275-0116

Acknowledgement of submissions. All submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail.

Announcement of winner. The winner and any persons receiving Certificates of Merit will be announced at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law in Washington, DC, April 12-15, 2017.

Call for Papers - National Security Law Writing Competition

The Judge Advocate General's School (AFJAGS), in partnership with the Air Force JAG School Foundation, Inc., is pleased to announce a call for papers for its second annual National Security Law writing competition.

The topic of this year's competition is Autonomous Systems in the Air Force. In June 2015, the Office of the Chief Scientist of the Air Force produced a vision document for the integration of autonomous systems into the Air Force over the next 30 years. This document envisions an Air Force where Airmen and autonomous systems work together as a team to meet a variety of challenges currently facing the United States, such as cyber-attacks, anti-access/area denial strategies, and attacks on space-based assets. Authors should prepare works contemplating the legal challenges associated with the use of both lethal and non-lethal autonomous systems.

The competition is open to all U.S. and international law school students and graduates. The author of the first-place winning entry will receive a cash prize of $2,000 provided by the Air Force JAG School Foundation, Inc. The author of the second-place winning entry will receive a cash prize of $1,000 provided by the Air Force JAG School Foundation, Inc. All works submitted will be considered for publication in The Air Force Law Review.

All papers must be received no later than 1630 central time on 15 April 2017 to be considered for a prize. Papers will be evaluated by a prestigious panel of subject matter experts, to be led by Judge James E. Baker, former Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces and current Chair of the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Law and National Security.

Interested authors will find a complete copy of the rules and regulations for this competition, to include formatting requirements and evaluation criteria, at the link below. Rules and Regulations for Competition:

Employment Announcements (More details on the Job Board)

NSA Associate General Counsel for Law & Policy


The NSA Office of General Counsel (OGC) is seeking superior applicants who are interested in joining its elite team of lawyers as the Associate General Counsel for Law & Policy (AGC/LP). The AGC/LP will lead and manage the newly-created Law & Policy practice group that will report directly to the Principal Deputy General Counsel. This exciting vacancy offers a highly-motivated attorney the opportunity to build a new office and to help shape the vision for that organization while working in a dynamic team environment. The Law & Policy group will be responsible for providing legal advice in support of NSA's engagement efforts that cross legal practice areas. The AGC/LP will oversee a team of highly-skilled and dedicated attorneys who will handle the legal aspects of NSA engagement and policy activities, including its media and public outreach, relationships with foreign intelligence agencies with whom NSA cooperates, international law aspects of NSA's mission, and civil liberties and privacy oversight. The Law & Policy group will also be expected to produce or collaborate on many of OGC's formal written legal products that are intended to support interagency legal discussions. The AGC/LP will be called upon regularly to work directly with NSA senior leadership and will have extensive engagements outside of NSA, to include with senior attorneys and leadership at the Department of Justice's National Security Division, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Council at the White House, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the Department of Defense, as well as other agencies in the Executive Branch and relevant committees of Congress.

Special Duties

  • Establish, oversee, and manage the OGC Law & Policy legal practice group.
  • Provide legal advice to the NSA OGC Front Office and Senior NSA leadership on all matters under the responsibility of the OGC Law & Policy legal practice group.
  • Oversee legal services performed within the OGC Law & Policy legal practice group, including determining attorney adherence to appropriate professional standards.
  • Represent NSA to other Executive Branch entities and Congress on matters involving the Agency's engagement efforts that cross legal practice areas and on policy matters involving interagency legal discussions.
  • Perform such other duties as the Director, NSA or NSA General Counsel may prescribe.


The applicant must be a fully qualified attorney/graduate of an accredited law school and active member, in good standing, of the bar of the highest Court of a State, US Commonwealth, US Territory, or the District of Columbia. The candidate must be a U.S. citizen and have, or be eligible to obtain, a TS/SCI clearance.

Applicants must have broad legal experience and professional knowledge of statutes and regulations governing the Intelligence Community. Applicants must also have demonstrated ability to perform complex legal analysis and give effective oral and written presentations; superior skill in written communication; highly-developed interpersonal skills and ability to forge working relationships with senior-level clients; ability to effectively manage attorneys; and substantive knowledge and experience with DoD policies and procedures.

Ideal candidates will have a strong background in electronic surveillance law; intelligence information sharing initiatives; civil liberties and privacy protections; international law, and the Agency's foreign intelligence activities. A strong background in interagency work - either in the US Intelligence Community or elsewhere in the U.S. Government - is also preferred.

Evaluation Criteria

The applicant selected must meet all the Technical Qualifications (TQ) listed below. Applicants should provide a brief narrative (no more than one-half page) to support each TQ. In addition, each applicant must submit a resume.

1) Specific Technical/Professional Achievements

While achievement may take the form of participation in group efforts, the contribution of the DISL candidate should be distinguished from the accomplishments of the team as a whole and evaluated in terms of the impact of individual skills and knowledge on the team effort. Things to be taken into consideration include:

  • Expertise, competency, depth
  • Problem solving ability
  • Innovative research
  • Value of the contributions to the Agency
  • Acquisition of expertise in other disciplines

2) Technical/Professional Development of Others

It is critically important to the Agency's future technical capability that DISLs, particularly at the more senior levels, ensure their skills are transferred to others, especially to the next generation of experts. Covered in this category are not only concrete skills and knowledge, but such intangibles as how to approach problems, how to balance risk against the chance of success, factors in building problem-solving teams, how to communicate effectively, and the like. Things to be taken into consideration include:

  • Individual mentoring activities, both formal and informal
  • Participation on boards, committees, panels, etc., of significance to the technical community
  • Activities aimed at conveying knowledge, such as seminars, teaching at the NCS, informal training on the job
  • Ability to communicate
  • Willingness to work with the next generation of experts

3) Technical/Professional Decision Making

The absence of solid and effective technical leadership will ultimately adversely affect the Agency mission. It is most important, therefore, that the DISL employee be assessed in part on the extent to which he/she is a technical leader. At the highest levels, this leadership should be unquestioned. In this area also fall such intangible components of leadership as perseverance and dependability. Things to be taken into consideration include:

  • Standing in the field
  • Influence on management
  • Role in decision-making
  • Directing complex technical efforts
  • Spearheading critical technical efforts
  • Ability to influence direction of technical projects
  • Impact of decisions

4) Continued Technical/Professional Development

A DISL must emphasize continuous enhancement of technical/professional skills and knowledge. Formal training, "stretch" assignments, research and writing projects, interaction with other experts, and other activities appropriate to the particular discipline. Things to be taken into consideration include:

  • Standing in the field (internal, and external if appropriate
  • Increasing ability to understand and deal with complexity
  • Increasing ability to relate narrow technical specialties to the broader needs of the Agency
  • Efforts aimed at deepening technical expertise

5) Leading the Intelligence Enterprise

DISLs should have a broad point of view of the Intelligence mission and an understanding of individual or organizational responsibilities in relation to the larger IC strategic priorities. The perspective is shaped by experience and education and characterized by a strategic top-level focus on broad requirements, joint experiences, fusion of information, collaboration, and vertical and horizontal integration of information. Things to be taken into consideration include:

Collaboration and Integration:

  • Share information and knowledge to achieve results by creating an environment that promotes employee engagement, collaboration, integration, information and knowledge sharing, and the candid, open exchange of diverse points of view.
  • Demonstrate knowledge, skill, and/or ability to build, leverage, and lead collaborative networks with key peers and stakeholders across the IC and/or in other government/private-sector organization, or professional/technical disciplines to achieve significant joint/multi-agency mission outcomes;
  • Ability to integrate joint/multi-agency activities effectively exercising collaborative plans that realize mutual IC, joint, or multi-organizational goals.

Enterprise Focus:

  • Demonstrate a deep understanding of how the mission, structures, leaders, and cultures of the various IC components interact and connect.
  • Encourage and support Joint Duty assignments and development experiences that develop and reinforce an enterprise focus among their subordinates.
  • Demonstrate knowledge, skill, and/or ability to understand the roles, missions, capabilities, and organizational and political realities of the intelligence enterprise and apply that understanding to drive joint, interagency, or multi-organizational mission accomplishment.

Value-Centered Leadership:

  • Advance and reinforce IC core values: A Commitment to selfless service and excellence in support of the IC's mission, as well as to preserving, protecting, and defending the Nation's laws and liberties; the integrity and Courage (moral, intellectual, and physical) to seek and speak the truth, to innovate, and to change things for the better, regardless of personal or professional risk;
  • Collaboration as members of a single IC-wide team, respecting and leveraging the diversity of all members of the IC, their background, their sources and methods, and their points of view;
  • Demonstrate the ability to reinforce, and reward IC, departmental/component core values;
  • Demonstrate commitment to diversity of people, points of view, ideas, and insights.

Application Process

Please apply via this link by March 31, 2017. After submitting your electronic application, you must also email a cover letter, resume, short legal writing sample, and brief narrative (no more than one-half page) to support each technical qualification Fully qualified applicants will be reviewed by a Panel.

Law Student Volunteer

Organization: Department of Justice

Department: Office of Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism, National Security Division

Job Description: Intern project include: researching legal questions, drafting memoranda or other legal and policy analysis, factual research, and assisting with presentations and supporting materials.

Qualifications: Applicant must be able to obtain and maintain a security clearance. Applicant must be enrolled in an accredited U.S. law school at the time of application and throughout their internship. Strong research and writing skills are required. Prior interest or experience in the area of victims' issues would be useful but is not required.

Fall Internship: September-December (a minimum of two full days per week required)

Salary: Volunteer (uncompensated). If your school offers interns academic or work study, we will work with you to meet school requirements whenever possible.

Application Process: Cover letter, resume with two references, transcript (official or unofficial), and a writing sample (not to exceed ten pages). Please submit these materials AS ONE PDF via email to Paper or faxed applications will not be considered.

NSA FISA Attorney


The National Security Agency (NSA) is charged with collecting foreign signals intelligence in support of the nation's efforts to counter the increasingly dangerous threats to U.S. security posed by terrorism, cyber actors, weapons of mass destruction, and hostile foreign governments and other hostile foreign powers. In addition, NSA is also charged with the protection of U.S. national security systems, including the worldwide Department of Defense Information Network. In conducting these vital missions, NSA relies upon personnel with world-class technical and professional expertise.

Because the twin missions of NSA—signals intelligence and information assurance—encompass counterterrorism and cybersecurity, two of the most important and dynamic challenges our Government faces today, there is rarely a typical day for an NSA attorney. At NSA OGC, you will analyze cutting-edge technical and intelligence issues and will frequently provide legal advice that relates to high-profile current events affecting our national security. Attorneys working in NSA OGC apply their expertise, skills, and education to solve a variety of challenges not found in the private sector or at any other government agency. You will have the opportunity to make a global impact on a daily basis as you work with other top caliber professionals at the highest levels of the Agency and across the U.S. Government. This critical work ensures that Agency operations comply with the law while also protecting both our national security and our civil liberties.

The NSA Office of General Counsel (OGC) is seeking superior attorney applicants with specialized experience in electronic surveillance law, with specific emphasis on assisting clients in the investigation and remediation of compliance matters arising under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, as amended (FISA). In addition to possessing expertise and a deep interest in FISA and compliance, the ideal candidate will have expertise, or a demonstrated interest and ability in learning the technical details regarding the collection, processing, storage, and retrieval of information by complex electronic information systems.

Responsibilities for this position will include assisting clients in the investigation and remediation of incidents of non-compliance as well as working with the Department of Justice in the preparation of notices, applications, and other filings to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that are intended to address compliance matters that arise under FISA.

The successful candidate will be expected to:

  • Maintain technical and subject matter expertise over new developments in law, policy, regulations, and operations governed by this complex area of law;
  • Establish direct liaison relationships within the Department of Defense, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and other federal agencies and departments, as necessary, to ensure appropriate coordination of compliance and other FISA-related matters that raise equities across the Executive Branch;
  • Assist clients in the implementation of recommendations concerning FISA authorities that are corporately advanced by NSA leadership; and
  • Partner with colleagues inside and outside the Executive Branch in order to advance NSA's signals intelligence mission in a legally compliant manner.

Experience with or a passion for learning more about the Wiretap Act, the Pen Register Statute, the Stored Communications Act, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, and the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act are all indicative of an ideal candidate for this position.


Salary Range: $94,796 - $123,234

Entry is with a Professional Law Degree (LLB or JD) and in excess of 2 years of relevant experience. Relevant experience as determined by the Office of the General Counsel must be professional legal experience that is commensurate with the duties and responsibilities of the position. See DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1442.02 for exceptions to the grade-level standards. Active membership in the bar of the highest court of a State, U.S. commonwealth, U.S. territory, or the District of Columbia is required.

Salary Range: $112,021 - $161,900

Entry is with a Professional Law Degree (LLB or JD) and in excess of 3 years of relevant experience. Relevant experience as determined by the Office of the General Counsel must be professional legal experience that is commensurate with the duties and responsibilities of the position. See DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1442.02 for exceptions to the grade-level standards. Active membership in the bar of the highest court of a State, U.S. commonwealth, U.S. territory, or the District of Columbia is required.

Pay, Benefits, & Work Schedule

This is a full-time position, Monday through Friday.

Salary is commensurate with education and experience.

This Ad closes on March 31, 2017.

How to Apply - External

To apply for this position, go to:

Then select “Attorney (FISA)”. Click the “Apply Now” button located at the top or bottom of the page.

After completing the application and clicking the “Submit Final” button, you will receive a confirmation email. AFTER SUBMITTING YOUR ELECTRONIC APPLICATION, PLEASE EMAIL A COVER LETTER, RESUME, A SHORT LEGAL WRITING SAMPLE AND LAW SCHOOL TRANSCRIPTS TO OGC_APPLICATIONS@NSA.GOV. Emails regarding your application status will be sent periodically. Please ensure your spam filters are configured to accept emails from


U.S. Citizenship is required for all applicants. Reasonable accommodations provided to applicants with disabilities during the application and hiring process where appropriate. NSA is an equal opportunity employer and abides by applicable employment laws and regulations. All applicants and employees are subject to random drug testing in accordance with Executive Order 12564. Employment is contingent upon successful completion of a security background investigation and polygraph.

This position is a Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) position in the Excepted Service under 10 U.S.C. 1601. DoD Components with DCIPS positions apply Veterans' Preference to eligible candidates as defined by Section 2108 of Title 5 USC, in accordance with the procedures provided in DoD Instruction 1400.25, Volume 2005, DCIPS Employment and Placement. If you are a veteran claiming veterans' preference, as defined by Section 2108 of Title 5 U.S.C., you may be asked to submit documents verifying your eligibility.

DCIPS Disclaimer

The National Security Agency (NSA) is part of the DoD Intelligence Community Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS). All positions in the NSA are in the Excepted Services under 10 United States Codes (USC) 1601 appointment authority.

NSA General Attorney


The National Security Agency (NSA) is the primary entity in the U.S. Government charged with collecting foreign signals intelligence in support of the nation's efforts to counter the increasingly dangerous threats to U.S. security posed by terrorism, cyber actors, weapons of mass destruction, and hostile foreign governments. In addition, NSA is also charged with the protection of U.S. national security systems, including Department of Defense worldwide computer networks and other systems. In conducting these vital missions, NSA relies upon personnel with world-class technical and professional expertise.

The NSA Office of General Counsel (OGC) is seeking superior applicants with experience in practice areas such as litigation, national security law, cybersecurity, government contracts, administrative law, and government ethics, among others, who are interested in joining its elite team of lawyers who provide legal advice to the Agency as it carries out its missions. At NSA OGC, you will analyze cutting-edge technical and intelligence issues and will frequently provide legal advice that relates to high-profile current events affecting our national security. Attorneys working in NSA OGC apply their expertise, skills, and education to solve a variety of challenges not found in the private sector or at any other government agency. You will have the opportunity to make a global impact on a daily basis as you work with other top caliber professionals at the highest levels of the Agency and across the U.S. Government. This critical work ensures that Agency operations comply with the law while also protecting both our national security and our civil liberties.

Because the twin missions of NSA - signals intelligence and information assurance - encompass counterterrorism and cybersecurity, two of the most important and dynamic challenges our Government faces today, there is rarely a typical day for an NSA attorney. We are routinely presented with exciting and novel legal issues at the intersection of technology and law. In tackling these challenges, our attorneys work directly with senior officials at the Department of Justice's National Security Division, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Council at the White House, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the Department of Defense, as well as other agencies in the Executive Branch and relevant committees of Congress.

NSA attorneys work in a highly classified setting and are entrusted with tremendous responsibility as they advise the Director and other senior leaders at the Agency on a diverse and complex spectrum of issues related to gathering the foreign intelligence information needed to fight international terrorism, espionage, transnational crime, and narcotics, to defeat foreign cyber adversaries trying to steal national secrets, and to provide intelligence support to critical military overseas tactical operations, all while protecting our civil liberties and ensuring strict compliance with the Constitution and our laws. Because the NSA is a Department of Defense agency, our attorneys have a unique opportunity to be directly involved in national security operations working alongside military and civilian colleagues, as well as to interact with the private sector in cybersecurity and other matters.

In short, many OGC attorneys say they can't imagine working in a more exciting and important position.

NSA OGC has several exciting and challenging career opportunities available in a range of legal practice groups that provide advice in the areas of: Intelligence Law; Information Assurance & Cyber Security Law; Legislation; Litigation; Acquisition, Research & Technology Law; Law & Policy; and Administrative Law & Ethics. We are seeking highly-motivated and qualified attorneys with a minimum of three years of legal experience, excellent oral and written communications skills, and active State bar membership to work in a dynamic team environment.


Salary Range: $94,796 - $123,234

Entry is with a Professional Law Degree (LLB or JD) and in excess of 2 years of relevant experience. Relevant experience as determined by the Office of the General Counsel must be professional legal experience that is commensurate with the duties and responsibilities of the position. See DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1442.02 for exceptions to the grade-level standards. Active membership in the bar of the highest court of a State, U.S. commonwealth, U.S. territory, or the District of Columbia is required.

Salary Range: $112,021 - $161,900

Entry is with a Professional Law Degree (LLB or JD) and in excess of 3 years of relevant experience. Relevant experience as determined by the Office of the General Counsel must be professional legal experience that is commensurate with the duties and responsibilities of the position. See DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1442.02 for exceptions to the grade-level standards. Active membership in the bar of the highest court of a State, U.S. commonwealth, U.S. territory, or the District of Columbia is required.

Pay, Benefits, & Work Schedule

This is a full-time position, Monday through Friday.

Salary is commensurate with education and experience.

This Ad closes on March 31, 2017.

How to Apply - External

To apply for this position, go to:

Then select “Attorney (General)”.

Click the “Apply Now” button located at the top or bottom of the page. After completing the application and clicking the “Submit Final” button, you will receive a confirmation email. AFTER SUBMITTING YOUR ELECTRONIC APPLICATION, PLEASE EMAIL A COVER LETTER, RESUME, A SHORT LEGAL WRITING SAMPLE AND LAW SCHOOL TRANSCRIPTS TOOGC_APPLICATIONS@NSA.GOV. Emails regarding your application status will be sent periodically. Please ensure your spam filters are configured to accept emails from


U.S. Citizenship is required for all applicants. Reasonable accommodations provided to applicants with disabilities during the application and hiring process where appropriate. NSA is an equal opportunity employer and abides by applicable employment laws and regulations. All applicants and employees are subject to random drug testing in accordance with Executive Order 12564. Employment is contingent upon successful completion of a security background investigation and polygraph.

This position is a Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) position in the Excepted Service under 10 U.S.C. 1601. DoD Components with DCIPS positions apply Veterans' Preference to eligible candidates as defined by Section 2108 of Title 5 USC, in accordance with the procedures provided in DoD Instruction 1400.25, Volume 2005, DCIPS Employment and Placement. If you are a veteran claiming veterans' preference, as defined by Section 2108 of Title 5 U.S.C., you may be asked to submit documents verifying your eligibility.

DCIPS Disclaimer

The National Security Agency (NSA) is part of the DoD Intelligence Community Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS). All positions in the NSA are in the Excepted Services under 10 United States Codes (USC) 1601 appointment authority.

Lawfare Research Assistant


The Research Assistant will assist with the maintenance and publication of Lawfare, a national security law website, in the Governance Studies (GS) program at The Brookings Institution. Provide research and administrative assistance on a diverse array of projects connected with the legal framework of American national security policy. Undertake research assignments with minimal supervision, draft summaries of findings, and assist with preparation of publications. Collaborate with GS Communication staff on matters pertaining to public/private events and GS Development staff on matters pertaining to donor proposals.


Editorial and Research Assistance (60%)

  • With guidance from Senior Fellow, researches and collects documents and information from various sources (government agencies, universities, libraries, database, Internet, non-profit research organizations, etc.) on relevant topics for weekly publication on Lawfare.
  • Collects and prepares data from various sources for qualitative analysis, drafting and summarization of information.
  • Provides editing and review assistance in preparation for publication.
  • Work with Lawfare editorial team to ensure content is up-to-date and accurate, publish and design content, and perform other site maintenance duties as necessary.
  • Proofreads, updates and fact-checks existing data and footnotes; finalizing documents in preparation for publication.

Administrative Support (40%)

  • Coordinate logistics for Lawfare and Brookings project. This includes scheduling guests on the Lawfare podcast, identifying dates for presentation, coordinating calls and communication with external authors to the Lawfare blog.
  • Assist with scheduling and coordinating internal and external events and meetings for Fellow and Senior Fellow.
  • Collaborate with development and communications staff as needed, including confirming fellow or senior fellow availability and interests, recent publications and activity, and relevance of recent work to various external requests for information.
  • Provide additional administrative support for Lawfare and Brookings projects, as needed.


Education/Experience Requirements:

Bachelor’s degree in political science, government, or a related field required. Academic background in constitutional law, the judiciary, or legal questions surrounding security issues is highly preferable. Demonstrated interest in the law desired. Interest in issues pertaining to national security required.

Knowledge/Skills Requirements:

Outstanding writing, analytical, and research skills, demonstrated through prior relevant research experience. Journalism experience preferred. Ability to write clearly and with minimal supervision is required. Thorough knowledge of library and online research resources and capacity to conduct independent research is a must. Excellent interpersonal, verbal, and organizational skills are also required, as well as ability to take initiative and work in a fast-paced environment. Basic familiarity with Wordpress or PHP a plus.

Additional Information:

Brookings requires that all applicants submit a cover letter and resume. Please attach your cover letter and resume as one document when you apply.

In addition to cover letter and resume, this position requires that applicants submit a writing sample of a maximum of 1,000 words (2 pages). Writing sample must be attached as a separate document.

Successful completion of a background investigation is required for employment at Brookings.

Brookings is an equal-opportunity employer that is committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace. We welcome applications from all qualified individuals regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical or mental disability, marital status, veteran status, or other factors protected by law.

ABA Standing Committee on the Law and National Security Summer Internship

About the Committee

The Standing Committee on Law and National Security conducts studies, sponsors programs and conferences, and administers working groups on law and national security related issues. The committee's activities are designed to assist policymakers, to educate lawyers, the media and the public, and to enable the committee to make recommendations to the American Bar Association governing body. The standing committee provides research and advice on such subjects as: the congressional role in intelligence oversight, the legal system's ability to cope with transnational terrorism, the promotion of the rule of law in the intelligence and law enforcement communities, international law in the conduct of the military, and the role of law in preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Intern Responsibilities

Selected candidates will conduct research and draft memos on issues including terrorism, cybersecurity, surveillance and homeland security. She/he will attend Committee meetings and programs, as well as hearings on Capitol Hill related to national security law. Additionally, selected candidates will assist with annual conferences and monthly programs featuring prominent speakers in the national security law area. Demonstrated writing skills required, editing/publishing skills a plus. An important part of the position involves social media.

Length of Internship

3-5 days a week (flexible) each semester, including summer.


Law students encouraged to apply. Undergraduate applicants need to be of junior year standing or higher. Recent graduates and graduate students are also welcome to apply.



Application Instructions

Please submit a cover letter including dates of availability and resume to:

Holly McMahon, Staff Director

ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security

1050 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 400

Washington, D.C. 20036

Internships are accepted on a rolling basis.

Tenure-Line Faculty Position in Cybersecurity Governance and Risk Management, Kogod School of Business at American University

The Department of Information Technology invites applications for a tenure-line faculty position at an open rank in cybersecurity governance and risk management for Academic Year 2017-18 (beginning August 21, 2017), subject to final budgetary approval.

Background. The Kogod School of Business has made a major commitment to be a world thought leader in cybersecurity governance and enterprise risk management. The school has established an academic research center (Kogod Cybersecurity Governance Center), is offering courses in the cybersecurity management area, and is pursuing new opportunities in cybersecurity education.

Qualifications. Earned doctorate in business (information systems) or a related field or anticipated completion of a doctorate by August 21, 2017. Demonstrably successful record in teaching business courses in information systems or a related field. Ability to conduct research in cybersecurity that will lead to publications in premier journals.

Responsibilities. Teach cybersecurity courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels in on-the-ground and on-line formats. Develop new programs and courses in cybersecurity education for corporate boards, managers, and employees. Create knowledge in the area of cybersecurity through rigorous research. Build the visibility and reputation of the school in cybersecurity in the business, policy, and scholarly communities. Participate in department, school, and university activities.

Application. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. An application must include a cover letter, a current and complete curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and copies of all teaching evaluations. Application materials should be submitted electronically through Interfolio.

Requests for information should be directed to:

Ms. Takei Roach

Academic Affairs Coordinator

Kogod School of Business

American University

4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW Washington, DC 20016-8044

For more information on the Kogod School of Business, consult

For more information on the Kogod Cybersecurity Governance Center, consult

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Law Student Volunteer

Organization: Department of Justice

Department: Office of Law and Policy, National Security Division

About the Office:

The National Security Division's (NSD) Office of Law and Policy, United States Department of Justice, seeks interns for positions located in Washington, D.C. The mission of NSD is to coordinate the Department's efforts in carrying out its top priority of preventing and combating terrorism and protecting the national security. NSD provides legal and policy advice on national security matters, litigates counterterrorism, counterespionage, and foreign intelligence surveillance matters, represents the Government before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and other federal trial and appellate courts, and conducts oversight over Federal Bureau of Investigation national security investigations and foreign intelligence collection. The Office of Law and Policy is responsible for, among other things, resolving novel and complex legal issues relating to national security that arise from the work of the Division and other parts of the Department; providing advice and guidance to Department leadership, the Intelligence Community, and other Executive Branch agencies on matters of national security law and policy; overseeing the development of legislation, guidelines, and other policies in the area of national security; working with foreign governments on a variety of national security issues; and handling appeals that arise in national security cases. The Office works with a variety of other Department components, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Office of Legal Counsel, and the Office of Legal Policy, as well as other departments and agencies, such as the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, and the Department of State.

Job Description:

Intern projects include: researching legal questions, drafting memoranda or other legal and policy analysis, factual research, and assisting with presentations and supporting materials.


Open to all law students. Applicants must be able to obtain and maintain a security clearance. Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited U.S. law school at the time of application and throughout their internship. Strong research and writing skills are required. Prior interest or experience in the area of national security would be useful, but is not required. By the time of the internship, all applicants must have taken one or more of the following courses: Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, or Constitutional Law. Additional courses addressing criminal law and litigation or national security or intelligence law, would also be helpful.


Internships are unpaid. If your school offers interns academic or work study, we will work with you to meet school requirements whenever possible.

Application Process:

Brief cover letter, resume with two references, transcript (official or unofficial), and a writing sample (not to exceed ten pages). Please submit these materials as one pdf, ATTN: Intern Program Coordinator (Office of Law and Policy), via email to

For applications for spring 2017, the subject line should read: [LAST NAME] - L&P Spring 2017 Internship Application. For applications for fall 2017, the subject line should read: [LAST NAME] – L&P Fall 2017 Internship application.

Paper or faxed applications will not be considered.

Application Deadline:

Spring 2017 – September 15, 2016

Fall 2017 – April 1, 2017

Jordan A. Brunner is a graduate of the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University, and was a national security intern at the Brookings Institution. Prior to law school, he was a Research Fellow with the New America Foundation/ASU Center for the Future of War, where he researched cybersecurity, cyber war, and cyber conflict alongside Shane Harris, author of @War: The Rise of the Military-Internet Complex. He graduated summa cum laude from Arizona State University with a B.S. in Political Science.

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