Murray Scot Tanner

Dr. Murray Scot Tanner is a Principal Policy Analyst for Alion Science and Technology, and lives in Rockville, Maryland. He has published widely on Chinese and East Asian politics, especially Chinese law enforcement, internal security, and human rights. Among his books and articles are China’s Response to Terrorism (CNA, 2016), China’s Emerging National Security Interests and their Impact on the People’s Liberation Army (Marine Corps University Press, 2015), and The Politics of Law-Making in China: Institutions, Processes, and Democratic Prospects (Oxford, 1998). Scot has previously served as a senior researcher and project manager with the CNA Corporation and the RAND Corporation, Professor of Political Science at Western Michigan University, Co-Chairman’s Senior Staff Member for the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, and as an analyst for the U.S. Government. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Michigan. The views in this article are entirely his own, and do not necessarily represent the views of Alion Science and Technology, its corporate officers, or its sponsors.