• Aaron Mannes is a lecturer and research associate at the University of Maryland School of Public Policy, where he did his Ph.D. dissertation on the national security role of the vice president. His ongoi...
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  • Elias X. Huber is currently a Yenching Scholar at Peking University, China, where his research focuses on quantum technologies and related international coordination issues. He holds a Master of Sciences...
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  • Aaron Arnett is a visiting researcher for the Middle East Security Program at the Center for a New American Security. His research focuses on the intersection of Arab Gulf security and U.S. national inte...
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  • Matthew Blainey is a Policy Analyst at Security Council Report, where he covers Afghanistan, Myanmar, North Korea (DPRK), the UNRCCA (Central Asia), counter-terrorism, conflict prevention, the ICC, the r...
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  • Gina Bennett is a strategy advisor to Girl Security, adjunct professor at the Center for Security Studies in Georgetown University, and author of multiple books including "National Security Mom: Why Goin...
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  • Nicolas Stockhammer is the director of the research cluster "Counter-Terrorism, CVE (Countering Violent Extremism) and Intelligence" at Danube-University Krems in Austria.
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  • Katie Moussouris is the founder and CEO of a cybersecurity company called Luta Security. She also sit on three Federal cyber advisory boards: DHS/CISA’s Cyber Safety Review Board, NIST’s Information Secu...
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  • Amarins Laanstra-Corn focuses on the societal implications of emerging technologies at the Emerson Collective. She studied international security and political science at Stanford University.
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  • Scott Harshbarger is a former two-time MA attorney general, co-founder and chair of board of Lawyers defending American Democracy (LDAD), and senior counsel at Casner Edwards.
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  • Dennis Aftergut is a former federal prosecutor, currently of counsel to Lawyers Defending American Democracy.
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  • Lukas Bundonis is a senior privacy engineer at Netflix and former Army Reserve intelligence officer.
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  • Rose Lewis is a student at the University of Minnesota Law School.
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  • Arun G. Rao is the Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Consumer Protection Branch in the Department of Justice.
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  • Lawrence Abu Hamdan is the founder and director of investigations at Earshot, an investigation group that conducts audio analysis of state violence.
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  • Samaneh Moafi is the assistant director of research at Forensic Architecture, a research agency focused on investigating state and corporate violence.
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  • Kavitha Chekuru is an independent journalist and documentary filmmaker who has worked with Al Jazeera English's documentary show "Fault Lines."
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  • Scott Wiener is a California State Senator. He was elected in 2016 and represents the San Fransisco-Bay Area.
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  • Trent Kannegieter is the chief of staff, Platform Division, at Blue River Technology. Before Blue River, he was chief of staff at SparkAI, a machine learning company acquired by John Deere in 2023. He is...
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  • Monica Hakimi is the William S. Beinecke Professor of Law at Columbia Law School and Co-Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of International Law.
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  • Steven A. Cook is a senior fellow for Middle East and Africa Studies and Director of the International Affairs Fellowship for Tenured International Relations Scholars at the Council on Foreign Relations....
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