Chatter hosts Shane Harris and David Priess review the origin story of the podcast, reflect on some of the most memorable Chatter conversations, and give thanks for the people who have been involved in b...
David Priess sat down with Aaron Bateman to discuss early satellite technology, foreign satellite and anti-satellite activities, the Space Force, and more.
David Priess chatted with author Eric Jay Dolin about the history of Atlantic hurricanes, with a special focus on federal government activity related to storms and how we define national security.
Lewis and Shane Harris discussed Baker’s remarkable and little known espionage career, which reveals much about the inner life of one of the 20th Century’s biggest stars.
David Priess chatted with former CIA officer Ric Prado about the fiction and the reality of CIA paramilitary operations, including stories Ric tells in his book Black Ops: The Life of a CIA Shadow Warrior.
In this bonus episode of Chatter, David Priess talks with professor and author Martia Sturken about 9/11-related memorials, museums, and architecture.