Watch the Secret Service Director testify on the USSS response to the assassination attempt against former President Trump.
After skipping a 2020 platform, the Republican National Convention’s 2024 platform bears many of former President Trump’s signature policies.
Both cases found the justices split on whether to separate the president from the presidency.
Overturning the law on First Amendment grounds would require courts to make policy judgments that should be left to the political branches.
Two reasons for cautious optimism—or at least cautious suspension of outright horror
As a climate-destabilized future approaches, U.S. laws, policies, and incentives are failing to account for this risk.
A national advisory referendum on AI could give Congress a clearer signal of the public’s priorities and help end the paralysis by analysis that has beset lawmakers.
The Justice Department continues its pattern of broad claims of presidential control over information.
What is the status of the criminal case against Senator Menendez?
In a letter to the House Judiciary Committee, the Justice Department pushed back on claims that it was behind the prosecution of Donald Trump.
An assessment after six months